Wednesday, February 11, 2009

6th January 2009

Today's worship session led by Jeffery and back-up, Christina.Thanks to all musicians for today! After the worship session, 2 minutes break for some water. After that, we spilt into 3 groups, CHWS, SMKSS and College group. We prayed for our schools/college and everybody in the school.As for Jeffery who got no school or college and working, he prayed brothers and sisters who went to US.

Today, pastor shares a powerful message about the 3rd commandment : You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.

What's about the wrongful use of God's name? Things such as swears, rude words slangs and to work out evil things.

When you swear, don't use "In the name of Jesus, I bla bla bla" it's wrong! But, if you think it's hard to change this habit, try not to swear. Refuses to swear is the best solution. Rude words are also another one. Slangs like "Oh my God/Gawd", "Oh Jesus Christ!", and "For Christ/Pete/God's sake" is other way of insulting God. What you feel if somebody shouted your name when they are angry. For example, they spilled their drinks and scream "Oh Jeffery!!!ChoonKhai!!" . It might sounds funny at first, but after for long time, what it feels? "What the hell/heck" is another spiritual word we shouldn't use. Hell is real and it's not something to play with!

Using God's name to do bad things, just like saying Jesus is your saviour and all the day, you did bad things. Or, planning a crime, and added God's name to cover up your works. How about I did something evil and used your name? It's a cruel thing to do to someone. If it's cruel to human, how about a living God?

There's a study of the attitudes of Christians and non-Christians. Guess what? The studies shows that Christians showed no difference compared with non-Christians. There were cases where Christians are much more worse than non-Christians. We are Christians by name but we didn't show the difference of Christianity. So, what's the point you keep praising God in the church but when you went to outside, all rude words keep flying out from your mouth. Brothers ans sisters, Christian is the religion which is not to show off. Our last HG brother,Ping Keat, when he was asked what makes you accepted Christ? He said, Su Peen and Pang Tsen showed something different in them and their life. He got interested with Su Peen and Pang Tsen's God who shapes their great attitudes and life.

After the sermon, we sang Majesty and have some prayers for those who want to repent from those sins.

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