Thursday, April 1, 2010

26th March!

Today HG'ians do our Cell group bible discussion! We shared about lesson and things applied in our lives in book of James 1-3! It's much different today that Pastor Koshy was not around.. SO, Aunt Dorcas took over the session!

We learned the lesson that , NEVER try to twist the word of God. At times, when we LOVE to do so much. Suddenly somebody forbid us from doing it because it's written in the Bible.. BUT, we denied it. Trying to fight back, just because we can't let it go, we can't take that fact. So, we still doing it and tried to find a "solution" so, we able to do it.

For example , Nowadays gays is very common. Even though God said He hates the sins of being gay but loves the person, but the gay communities still wanted to fight for their right to get marry and go to court and so on.. See?

So, it's better not to be stubborn and try to learn to let go.. :) 

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