Monday, June 15, 2009

Stone and Sponge....

I'm very aware this is the first "message post" in many many months. It took time for me to regain my confidence after my faith was slightly bombarded.... Here goes...

There are two types of Christians in the world today. I group them as the sponge and the stone....

The stones....

Imagine the world of Christianity is water. You have the holy spirit, the bible, the priests and the churches. All Christians are surrounded by these elements just like how the water surrounds the stone YET Christianity fails to penetrate the many people despite being surrounded by it.

A person with a heart of stone can be surrounded by Christ for centuries and ignore Him due to excessive pride. Take the Egyptian Pharaoh for example. The Lord sent many painful plagues which caused the Egyptian empire costly yet his heart remained hard.

By connecting the dots, it can be said that they can only see and feel Christ when it is too late that is when they are sent to hell to be incinerated and destroyed much in the same way the water can only penetrate the heart of the stone only when it is broken apart and destroyed.

An example of a stone Christian might be someone who goes to church every week and maybe plays instruments or sings in the church. Could be leading a cell group. At home or at school, he yells at parents and friends and curses. He or she might use the same drums or guitar he uses at the church to play demonic metal. He only reads his bible at church and leaves it to collect dust at home.

The sponges...
There are very few of these "exceptional" Christians who are "sponges". However it is these very few men and women who enabled Christianity to survive up to this day.

The sponges are people who humble themselves and allow Christ to come in much like how the sponge is hollow and allows water penetrate. They read the bible frequently thus allowing them to absorb the word of God like a sponge. Any impurity is forced and squeezed out. Like how the sponge absorbs water and soap and releases it to clean someone, a good Christian receives the word of God and preaches it out.

Unfortunately with the world changing radically the number of sponges are decreasing. Porn and masturbation is no longer considered as sin. Law and order is replaced by corruption and the Bible once thought to be the TRUTH of all things is now considered a big joke.

It's now time to question yourself what Christian are you. A sponge of stone? It's time to stop acting and wake up.

I confess. I am still partly a stone. Maybe a big part of me remains a stone. You know what I need, I am crying out for help. I never am happy with my current state. The smile and laugh is only skin thick. My current joy makes me remain at a gloomy world. Only with Christ can I fly to somewhere else.


KOSHY said...

Good article wei lim. clear and insightful

Andy said...

nice one...
the way u describe is very unique..