Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The End Times? How soon

During Noah's time, the world was plagued with evil. Quotes from Genesis Chapter 6.

5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.

6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.

7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them."

Chances are the moral and spiritual state of today's world are no better than the time of Noah. Maybe worse in my opinion....

- Wars and political turmoil are plaguing most if not all countries.

- No single politician can be deemed "Anti-Rasuah". In my opinion, the last incorruptible politician/leader is none other than Mahatma Gandhi.

- People are making up false gods. Scientology is spreading with the endorsements of Hollywood stars. The amount of people stating their faith as "Jedi Knight" number as much as 500,000 people in UK. Rock and metal fans look to guitarists and singers as Gods.

- Organized crime, Human Trafficking, Drugs and Narcotics, Rape, Murder, Robbery, Homicide, Poaching, Illegal logging.

- Numbers of gays, lesbians and people who undergo sex change are on the rise.

These are only a small part of the problems we face today. There a lot more problems. More than we can count. And a huge percentage are undergoing such disgusting and horrible acts. Some are just plain stupid and moronic. And worst of all, they are always people wanting us to join them. This is the part I hate the most. For once I wish people will leave me alone.

And it was said in the bible. Genesis 6:6 "The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. ". It was then where he made his fateful decision to destroy the earth to vanquish all evil.

Since the state of today's affairs are equivalent to that of Noah's time, we should prepare and build our faith with the little time that we have. Most people are pointing 2012 as a possible date of the fall of mankind and I don't discount this fact. As the days pass new problems arise and will stay for a long time. The end times won't be like the events in the film 2012, and it won;t collide with another planet. Instead 2012 might be the date in which the Beast will rise and gain power.

But how? We are all sinners. What is our advantage? Even Noah had sinned. (Genesis 9:20-27) He got drunk. Yet he was one of the greatest prophets we've ever seen. Don't worry if we sin but don't ignore it. It is best to rehabilitate the areas that we can manage. We are children of God if we feel regret and pain when we sin, because it's like disobeying the parent. If we feel guilty after an evil sin, don't worry... The Lord knows our pain.

The fight against sin is brutal and tough. Most of the time we fall although we've fought hard. It is also possible that we've fallen despite fighting as hard as we can. When the Lord said "for I am grieved that I have made them", it didn't mean he was disappointed upon creating man, he was disappointed of what they've become. He lost faith on all of mankind save for Noah.

The Lord lost faith on man once, he will loose faith on man again. He once destroyed the earth by water, next time it will be by fire.


ChoonKhai said...

Yeah.. I think so too. When we reach 2012, sure world population afraid of 2012 disaster. Some genius will reign to solve this problem and combine all countries to fight 2012.. haha

Padahal maybe there's no disaster, then the genius plan to use the chip to make the administration smoother. Our ordeal starts.

Wei Lim_93 said...

Well maybe when 2012 starts, ppl start to turn to Jesus... But it's too late...