Hey all...
It feels so weird writing on this blog as i haven't been blogging for a long time... But anyway, no harm doing what i used to do for HG right! Anyway before i continue, let us compare the different between the number of blog post in 2009 and 2008...In 08, from March to December the blog crew manage to post updates consistently which led to a total of 118 post... This year 09, from January till this very day, only 65 updates were posted... Does this mean anything? Yes, please again...my same advice to the crew...update more! Its a way to serve him and a way for people like me and the rest of the HG families who are studying away from KT to know what you guys are up to and what has God bless you guys with...So yea ;) i hope to see better :)
Ok back to the topic...Friday! And guess what, its the Friday after ESP...Everyone is excited, so fired up, so filled with the passion for God... This week's service, I myself got the opportunity to serve the lord on the guitar, alongside with Witton, Witter, Sharon and Ee June... And the songs are One Way, Tell the World, Love Came Down and with 2 new songs which most learned in ESPlosion Camp, All for Love and Stronger... Thank you worship team and thank you God for blessing us with your wonders...
After worship, we had sharing time! I will basically compile and summarize what was shared during the session... Most shared about their experience in the camp, about how the were touched by the Lord, about their learning experience and their personal encounter with God... Some shared how God changed their life in the camp, how God blessed them and move them towards the right direction...about how prayer can make such a huge different, about healing that they have experience with the Lord, about their burden being lifted up by love of God, about God telling them that even when they are alone, HE is there to comfort...
Truly i was touched! I was touched by how God had work his wonders and miracles for us... Wei Lim who very very very rarely breath with both of his nostril, had a perfect nose after being prayed during the camp, Chiou Huey confessed her sins that was burdening her for so long and felt the warmth and love of God touching her, Wendy accepted the Lord during the camp and our brother Witton was filled with God's living water! How amazing! For myself, I had gone through a tough year... A year where it was up and down...and mostly downs...a year that i felt dry...but he restored me... These testimonies really are an encouragement to all of us, for us to acknowledge that there is a God who loves us, a God who is so merciful, a God who has accepted us for who we are! That is the God that me and you serve!
We closed with prayer and some worship... and at that time also, God spoke to me... He said "I am here behind you...ready to catch you whenever you fall... ready to hold your hand... ready to hold you close to him!" God's hand is always there, reaching out to you even before you accepted him, the move that everyone need to do...is to grab hold of his hand, his love, his presence, his mercy, his kingdom...
It was a great day! We really had a great time worshipping, sharing and praying! Thank God for the wonderful day! We end our service by cleaning up the sanctuary...
Before ending, here are some important announcement! Next week, there wont be any HIS GENERATION! because its CHRISTMAS!!!! Not that we don't wanna have it during Christmas...is just most of us are out of town...and we also would like to encourage you to spend time with your family! The following week, which is on the 1st of January...YEA! New Year Day!!! There wont be worship and sermons as HIS GENERATION will be out sailing at the Ri-Yaz resort in Pulau Duyung...Thanks to Lucas and Micah's parents, all of us can attend it for FREE!!!! How great is that! Now, for those who are not here last Friday but still interested to go, please RSVP with Sharon asap at 0129466017... Please give her your full name as well as your IC number... Lastly...there might be a NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN this 31st night at AJPC... I am still planning and i need to seek Pastor's permission first (will try to do that first thing tomorrow^^) If everything goes well...I will update the details ASAP...
I think that's all! I wish you all the best and have a great week as well as have a BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!!!! GOD BLESS!!!!
ps: for those who have pictures on last week HG service please kindly upload it or you can send it to me via email...thanks...