Caleb and Joshua Ma...Two individuals whom i have known for years in His Generation...Sadly to say...sometimes people do have to depart from each other...Caleb and Joshua Ma is now in Perth, Australia...They followed their parents who migrated over there...
Caleb and Joshua had contributed so much to the Youth Fellowship in HG...Really thank God that He has blessed this two individuals...Both talented in music, they have served the Lord will full commitment...
Caleb has served HG as the main drummer...Despite his young age, its amazing to see how he had improve in his drumming from the very day he started serving...Serving also by playing bass Caleb had grown so much in his walk with the Lord...
Joshua who is now 12 has been active in the Sunday School Ministry...Serving also as a drummer and bassist he, is indeed a person with faith...What amaze me is, a person so young could still carry his responsibility as a son and also as a child of God..Joshua together with his brother, helps his father to run his Restaurant almost everyday...Amazing how God strengthen Joshua as well as Caleb's heart to be 2 youths who does truly shine for God...
Well...i just wanna say, we will truly miss u guys...and really hope to see you one day...We hope that you guys will continue to shine for God wherever you are...Be light and salt of the world...We wish you all the best in Australia!!!!!!
To those who wants to give a testimony about them, or just want to leave messages for them, feel free to do that by commenting this post...
din get to say goodbye,
really gonna miss you guys,
go aussie d dun foget to shine,
Don't worry about us, we'll be fine.
It's an honour You've been a part of us,
It'll carry towards the eternal universe,
Don't forget us and where ya from,
But also keep moving forward till His Kingdom come.
A part of His Generation is Who you are,
In or out - near or far still you are,
God's moving you,a lot of things to do,
and where he puts you, you are to bloom.
Feels sad knowing u guys moved on,
although i wasn't there also anymore,
With these in mind,i gotta say,
Can't wait to c u again.
haha...really enjoyed being with the two of you guys. We did many good and fun things together. We had great times together.
Do Great Things for God Caleb and Joshua Ma where ever you go.Missing you guys already. Hola
! Onward Soldiers of Christ! Dun forget to buy me a koala when u guys come back 1 not the toy 1 kehkehkeh
...ok...whu's gonna jump with me in Esp?..who?who?
a la....
tunggu 2 years lagi...
they'll be back to visit us...
hey hey hey
u guys tk cr in aussie...!!
Joshua im going to miss you "CHocolate Milkshake"
and Caleb da lengcai..all the best ya!!
here's to joshua and caleb...good friends even though i dint really no them that close...
thanks to caleb who helped me with the drums...and also our friendly football matches...make sure u remember them k....hope to c ya soon brudder
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