Monday, March 23, 2009

Tribute to Abang Jeffery!!!

A tribute to our Abang...

As the days, months and years passed by, old friends leave while new ones came, the new replaces the old. Thats the natural order of things. Now one of our longtime HG members is leaving. Jeffery Wong aka Ah Fei aka Jeff. He has been with us for many years and it's time for our little firebird(because he loves guitar) to leave the nest.

I think I represent all HG members. We are proud to have known you as our friend and brother. SOBZ!!! Jeffery was always cheerful and jokey but of course there are times when he flies off the handle especially during worship practice... All for the good of the team. I guess Jeff is a real team player.

Besides being a pro guitarist and singer, Abang Jeff is also a born leader and many of his virtues help kept HG alive and well till this day. When I first came to know Jeff, I saw him as an insane guitarist and fan of hard rock and metal. Fast forward two years, he victoriously fought off the devil and has became a true servant of God. His habit drastically change except he still plays guitar like a pro and he goes gaga over tic-tacs and McDonalds. Jeff, your life transformation has been an inspiration to us.

But in life on earth, all good things must come to an end. Only in heaven can the things we love last for eternity. We all gonna miss you and we know you will definitely come back sometimes.

OK... I know many people will tell lies to make people feel good and not to hurt our feelings but I tell you this, Jeffery is a born man of God...

Bye Bye Jeff-o

Good luck and may the Lord bless you...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

UCSI Easter Evangelistic Session

It was the 21st of March. A group of Christian students from UCSI picked AJPC to be the venue of their "Easter Evangelistic Celebration". They held the event not just to celebrate the Easter day but hopefully to bring salvation into the lives of the non-believers.

I think I represent all of the HG members to say we are proud to have hosted you guys

UCSI had their own musicians but with back-up musicians from the HG Youths. Jeffery, Ivan, Kent and June helped out in the worship session. I kinda have to admit, the UCSI's worship session differed greatly from what we usually do in HG. the way i describe it is a combination of Mustard Seed where you do the signs and dance moves and a little bit of Youth songs.

The UCSI team also performed a skit about Jesus' recension to earth, his arrest and conviction, his torture, crucifixion and finally his Resurrection.

Next Mr Tee who was once an ex-medical lecturer from Kelantan came to give a talk about the accuracies of the physical changes and torture Jesus went through according to modern medical science. To the speaker, I'm terribly sorry i forgot his name. Care to edit the posts?

He gave a substantial amount of accurate and consistent evidence and key events that were proven to be real if examined along with modern medical science. His talk also brought us deeper into what Jesus really went through during the events from his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane until his death. He also gave evidence to contradict the case of did The Lord really resurrect. In between the talks, scenes from Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ is screened. Not surprisingly, many of us couldn't bear to watch the enitre scene.

The points and evidence include...
- While praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus' sweat was a combination of the usual sweat, urea and salt mixed with blood. This happens when someone is in tremendous pressure. So we got the idea that Jesus was really troubled and tempted not to endure torture and death.

- The flogging of Jesus Christ. The device used was the flagellum which means "whip" in Latin. The device bears many similarities to the thing they use to hit the horse in horse races. However, the flagellum also has ball bearings, shards of bone and spikes. The aim is to create as much bleeding, injury and pain as possible during the flogging process. The result is a slow and agonizingly painful time for the victim. The dermis and subcutaneous tissue is ripped out until at times the ribs, muscle, flesh, spine and other bones are revealed till they are visible to the eye. It is noted that such punishment could very well kill the victim although Jesus survived it do he could finally die.

- The Crucifixion of Christ was also told in parallel with the effects of being nailed to the cross based on medical science. It was obvious that Jesus was severely dehydrated and in agonizing pain due to the flogging earlier on and was the crown of thorns was placed on his scalp. It was also proven by medical science that at the cross that Jesus' arms were probably wrenched and seperated out from their sockets. And with the human body placed in such a position, respiration took a great deal of strength to accomplish and was limited and restricted.

- There has been this long debate between the Jews and the Christian on edvidence that did or did not Jesus ressurected. They're too many points so I couldn't type them all down.

After the talk, we bowed our heads in prayer and went upstairs to eat. Sadly, ladies first. I had to thank God for giving me the oppurtunity to know and test my patience...LOL... I tell you all THE FOOD WAS GREEEAAATTT!!! Thanks guys for the wonderful meal.

After that, some of us chit chat with the UCSI students while some of us had a free jamming time.

-------------------------------------Ramdom Pictures-----------------------------------------

Mr Tee giving his talk.

The performance by the UCSI team with Kent, Jeffery and Ivan helping out.

As you can see the church was full on that day. The most crowded HG I've ever seen in my 4 years with HG.

Till the next time. And to UCSI, we hope to see you all again.



Pictures of the Week

We HG'ites really love McDonalds do we?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

20th March 2009

Hello hello~ Welcome to His Generation! Please come forward thank you thank you! Sounds familiar? =P Oh yes! We had our weekly meeting today.. I worship led for today's worship session, together with the worship team(June, Jason, Ivan, Jeff and Chester) Thanks for the play! I enjoyed the worship very much =)

Songs for today : -
1. Lord I life Your name on high
2. One way
3. Heart of worship
4. Amazed

Right after the worship session, we prayed for a few people in different place, for those among us who had moved on for further studies, whether its in overseas or out of KT.. Just to let all of you know that we remember you guys and girls in prayer! ^^ Talking about leaving the group, Jeffery, will be leaving us for KL. This is his last session with us before he leaves.. Herm.. What can I say about him? I love to work with him.. He can be kinda perfectionist at times.. Especially on worship, with all the chords, strumming etc.. I believe the younger guitarist learnt a lot from him.. Although sometimes he may sounds very fierce and straight forward, but he's sincere in teaching all of you.. Hahaha.. He had been serving very faithfully for quite some times now.. Whether is it to open the church door, set the PA, lock up the santuary or fetch us makan here and there.. We truly apreciate that Jeff! and we will certainly miss you.. Will keep you in prayer from time to time! Gambateh! ^^

Today we continued on on honoring our parents..

exodus 20:12
Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

exodus 21:15
Anyone who attacks his father or his mother must be put to death.

exodus 21:17
Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.

Sometimes without us realising, we are being rude to parents, or even "bully" them, talk bad and curse our parents! Okay, I admit I did.. I really did.. Some times it might feels like-"Oh! Why cant he thinks further?! Why is my old man so stubborn?!"-kind-of-things.. Then we'll throw tonnes of reasons to cover up our actions.. Think about it, did you honored your parents the way they should be honored? As it had been told for the past 2 weeks, Exodus 20:12 is the only commandment that comes with a promise. I believe the "live long" doesnt only mean physical life, but also means blessings.. We should respect and honor our parents. They are there for a purpose.. Who wiped your butt when you poo poo-ed? Who fed you and educate you? If its not of our parents, do you think you will sit there, in front of a PC/laptop, reading this? Of course its God's grace that we lived! But its also God's grace that our parents are here! Treasure your parents.. They wont be with you for long.. You will never know what's on your way tomorrow.. =)

Bible takes this very seriously.. "Anyone who attacks and curses his father or his mother must be put to death."?! Well.. lives are very important to everyone of us.. no doubt. But here it says "PUT TO DEATH"! Did you see how serious is God when He said this? To what extend do we take this seriously? Honoring my parents.. Very easy larh! Is it true? Hahahaha.. I doubt that if you really think so.. I think its kinda hard, need a lot of patience and self control too.. But this is that the Lord COMMAND us to do.. So, shall we try our best from today onwards? ^^

That's all from me, see you guys, same time, same place next week! Have a great week! ^^

Sunday, March 15, 2009

13th Of March =)

Today, a few musician went for holiday and Willert leaded the worship session , sang How Great Is Our God, Lord I Lift You Name on High and Amazed. After we ended our worship session, Pastor continue to share the topic of Honouring our parents which half of it had been shared last two weeks.

As a son or daughter, we should make our parents proud of us. Having good grades in our exam is one of the thing we can do as a student. Of course, by being a well mannered person also counts. If your family is having a meal, there comes a friend of your parent, and he or she is invited to have dinner together, we should vacate our chair and offer it our parent's friend. Our parents sure will proud of us =D

Criticizing their or their family members (brothers, sisters and grandparent) is rude and hurts their feeling. For their mistakes. And even their brothers and sisters who might have bad background. They are just like us, who make mistakes and hate being criticize.

Don't made them regret for giving birth you. Instead, encourage them. Give them sincere compliments and show appreciation by treating them them dinner or invite them to have dinner together when they're free or by giving them card and gift. You also can compliment your mum for her delicious food and thank her for cooking.(can be done by praying before eating too)

Tell them if you going to be late from school,church or function. If your parents planned to cook your favourite food for you, but you didn't tell them that you won't be back. Guess what? They felt disappointed.

We also can pray for them:

a) For their salvation if they're unsaved.

b) For their walk with God (their belief)

c) For wisdom to become a better parents

d) For their jobs, businesses and finances

e) For their marriage relationship

f) For their health and happiness

Some parents are strict to their children. They know some things are wrong for their children and in order to protect them, they draw a boundary within what they can do.

What you feel if nobody warn you about smoking, having drug or having sex before marriage, and in the end, you stumbled into this wrongdoings?

Your parents tried to save you for being hurt.

The World We Live In Today....

I found out the fact that when we go to His Generation, we jump with joy, we laugh loudly. And there's so much happiness I can't even describe but being a Christian is not just sunshine, strawberries and rainbows. Yes there is so much joy in Christianity but there is also much pain.

Look at the world around us. Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold and Megadeth are attracting more fans than Missionaries bring people to Jesus. I'm struggling with Metal addiction, I've regretted that introduced one of my friends to Metallica instead of salvation. So if he's in eternal damnation, it's my fault. So if you have yet to listen to metal, don't try it. I've went down a little bit but I'm currently listening to Guns N Roses. Well not heavy metal but it's still dirty music

No one is arresting Metallica or Avenged Sevenfold for evil songs but Missionaries are being imprisoned and killed for spreading good news. In Orissa in India, churches and people are burned to the ground. You might not know this but an Australian missionary was killed along with his sons.

So if you ask me, the morality of the world today is no different than the time of Noah because...

- People hate Christians. In Hillsong videos in YouTube, many people spit on Jesus' face with profanity. I recently found this comment "Jesus preys on the weak" in one of the Hillsong videos. So to them, Jesus is an equavelant of Satan. All around the world, Christians are rejected from society. All the same way how people insult and laugh at Noah.

- People are making Gods out of anything. Yeah, I've seen people calling rockers Slash or Ozzy Osbourne a God. Well Slash can play guitar better than Hillsong I admit but he's a drug addict, alcoholic and a foul mouthed man. How can he be God. In that case, everyone is God.

- The world is poisoniong the children. Those days, kids watch Tom and Jerry, Mickey and Goofy and Looney Tunes. Today kids are watching South Park, Retarded Animal Babies, Robot Chicken and Happy Tree Friends. I've admit, I once loved to watch South Park and Happy Tree Friends. A thing called "pornography" arose during the mid 19th century and with the cyber technologies today is expanding at a monstrous rate and getting both the young and old addicted to it. Even children re smuggled into this buisness. Partially because of porn, Rape and rape murder is a top crime nowadays.

So it's no surprise that Jesus will destroy earth the same way he destroyed it during the time of Noah. Last time, it was by water but this time the world will be destroyed with flames as nations bomb each other.

The Lord knows the world is dying. Pollution is everywhere. Murder, corruption and sin is everywhere. The number of students in America who want to do another Coloumbine or Virginia Tech is growing. The Emo and Gothic culture is expanding. More nations are turning to Nuclear as an energy source.

But let us look what humans have done to our beautiful planet earth. The dinosaurs have never caused any form of pollution during their 135 million year stay on earth. Sharks have never dumped any trash into the oceans for 450 million years. But only after 2 million years since homo sapiens existed, earth is choking to death. How?
- Shark Fin buisness is rivalling drug and weapons trade in the black market. An estimated 150 million sharks are killed for their fins every year. So take my advice, don't eat shark fin soup. I'm sure Jesus would agree. And only 5 people die of shark attacks a year. I don't know why we wanna save the pandas, seals, dolphins, tigers and elephants but only I support shark conservation. And the tiger and leopard skin, turtle shell, Japanese whale meat and other wildlife poaching buisness is expanding day by day.

- Every few seconds, forests the size of soccer fields are demolished for space and paper. To counter this, recycle your newpaper and don't sit for exams because it wastes paper. Imagine how many millions have to get at least 100 sheets paper for exams and the trees that are cut down. Nah you must recycle but do sit for exams.

- The Pacific and Atlantic ocean is a new global dustbin. Garbage scows are dumping rubbish into deep oceans. It won't be long before the Marianas trench gets towered by rubbish. Remember, the ending of Transformers where a dead Megatron is dumped into Laurentian Abyss, that's the same thing they're doing now. Oh yes they dump robots. My cousin living in New York says you won't find fish in their longkang like in Malaysia where you can make a living casting nets in a sewer. He said you'll find rubbish of all sorts. Be careful Jeffery, don't jump ina New York sewer if you see a Gibson Les Paul inside one.

I know Jesus pressures us on missionary work but I'm sure he wants a few to save the environment. Why not we donate a few ringgit to Sea Shepard or WWF. Also boycott shark fin soup. Well, Jesus loves the animals too. If he didn't he wouldn't have created animals in the first place. It's just we are created in his image. Like they make Spider-Man and Darth Vader toys more expensive but animal toys cheap except for like Jurassic Park collector's item.

So be mindful. Yes the bible tells us there is joy in Christ but there is much pain in the world we live in.

Many thanks....

Wei Lim

And please leave comments la... Whenever no one leaves comments I sedih la.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

His Generation :Picture of the week

Dont mess with me...I'm building up more muscles now!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

HG Update: 6 March 2009

Okay here's the update for the 6th Of March. Sorry it took so long because I was busy. ADMINISTRATORS!!! Give me a break la... Takkan I alone update. Hope you understand, I got exams this week...

Anyway, today was the first time I played rhythm guitar for HG. A very humbling and enjoyable experience. Thanks guys for all your support and encouragement. Witter was the drummer of the day, he came back for a few days.

Today, Pastor initially intended to talk about honouring our parents but too many questions came out so we moved to another topic. First is the problem of being "sinister" something... Forgot that word already. It's "cynicism" =) It means judging people by the negativity of their background... Like you see a schoolboy with shirts untucked we automatically think that he is a gangster, cheats in exams and smokes and many others la... It hurts other people as it is considered as an insult to others.

Then Pastor talked about the end times that are comming. Sure it's significant as the economy is bad and the world's "Tai Kor" which is USA wants to borrow money from other countries. A whole lot of other things were also brought up like the "Anti-Christ's" mark being put on our forehead or our wrist and we are to resist the mayhem that the future is about to bring. The wars, famine and the prosecution that we're gonna face. Don't think that this won't happen, many prophercies are slowly being unraveled as time passes by.

Today we didn't clean up the sanctury but we went to Town City for makan... Haiz, got no other place ah... NVM, it's not KL so there's not many good restaurants around...

Till the next time folks... Cya...