Saturday, September 20, 2008

HiS G3NeRaTiOn 19th SePteMB3r 2008

His Generation 19th September 2008.....This week, Jim (me lol) lead in worship and the songs are....Hosanna, Devotion, How Great is our God and Perfect King...Actually not me alone...we had multiple worship leaders :) Christina lead in Hosanna and Jeffery lead in Devotion...

This week also we had someone new...Nauko (PLEASE do correct me if i spell her name wrongly..and if it is wrong sry ya) from Japan...Makes me remember about KouHei last year :)

Pastor Koshy wasn't around this week, so Jeffery took his placed...Before that, just a reminder, please do still pray for Ps. Sunther and family....

Jeffery was sharing about a Group DNA...(if you guys don't know bout DNA of Jesus Christ, you can look through the previous post)
But if you guys are lazy, hehehehe jk...Again,

D-Divne truth
N-Nurturing relationship
A-Apostolic mission

Now back to what Jeffery was sharing...The DNA group is originally named, Life Transformation Group...but we (as in dunno who la) changed it to DNA cause its sounds cooler hahaha....actually, it also serve the purpose of DNA so thats why its called DNA group...
Now the group is very consist of 2 or max 3 people in one group...(boys to boys, girls to girls)
The purpose of the group is to carry out the DNA of Jesus Christ in our lifes...By learning the Divine truth of Jesus Christ, by building and Nurture relationship and to have Apostolic missions....This group is the build one another through the DNA...To change each others straighten the path with tranform the life from bad to good...

As an introduction, when each group is formed....the group is required to meet out once a week for 1 hour...Each group will also be given a paper which consists of few questions...
In one hour, the person mus ask his/her group member the questions in the paper...Now the questions are very very touches the deepest part of a person reveals all secrets a person may keep...

Why this types of questions? the answer lies on the purpose of the group...every secrets of a person (secrets > i'm assuming that the secrets are bad) is revealed, then it is the purpose for the group to pray, encourage and help the person by preventing the same error in the person life from coming back...(i hope you guys get what i meant) Now the questions are extremely confidential also...what is shared in the group stays in the group...

I can't remember all the questions, but you will get it once your group is formed...Now after the questions are being asked and answered, the person will pray for the partner...and it goes the same way for the partner...after praying one can encourage each other...

Each member of the group is also required to read the bible...together or not together...every week, one must finish one book in the bible...this is to ensure that one will not fall easily...when a person in enriched with the word of God, he is more stable in the foundation of a healthy christian life...When you know the word well, which is the Divine truth, you are stronger in spirit...Thats why, reading the bible is required in this group...If lets say, one of the member does not finish the book in that week, lets say Matthew...then the following week, the group need to read the whole book of Matthew again...

I think thats it...well this is really a very very simplified version...Jeffery, if i'm missing something, please do add in...

So this group is not a must...but it is highly recommended as it changes peoples life...Based on the testimonies that Jeffery gave, it really shocked me and people can really see the transformation of people through this group...i strongly encourage you to start a DNA group.....

So thats basically it...(again Jeff, please do add if i missed anything out) There will be few announcements about the coming week, so please do be alert on the notice board...

Well, see you all next week and have a blessed week ahead of you ;)


Jeffery Wong said...

i now know why ppl say i look old...lolz

Anonymous said...

Preach it Jeffrey!!! haha!!Woo!!