Monday, December 28, 2009

See You There!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Old and new struggles with the Church

TODAY A LOT of people are struggling with the Church and this is more complex than first meets the eye.

Statistics show that in the last 50 years there hasn't been a huge drop-off in the number of people who say that they believe in God. Surprisingly too there hasn't been a huge drop-off in the number of people who name a church or a denomination to which they claim to belong. The huge drop-off has come mostly in one area, actual church-going. People still believe in God and their churches even when they don't often go to church. They haven't left their churches; they just aren't going to them. The problem is not so much atheism (the doctrine or belief that there is no God) or even religious affiliation, but participation in the Church.

Why? Why does our culture struggle so much with the Church?

Liberals like to think that it is because the Church has been too slow to change and that it is unhealthily out of step with today's world. Conservatives like to think the opposite, namely, that people have grown disenchanted (freeing from illusion or false belief) with the Church because it has changed too much and been too accommodating to the culture. There is some truth in both views, but analysts suggest that there are other reasons, reasons to do with the general breakdown of family and public life.

It is not just church-life and parish-life that are in trouble today. Declining church attendance is paralleled everywhere: Families and neighbourhoods are dissipating
(separate and go in different directions) and breaking down as people guard their privacy and individuality more and more. Civic organisations and clubs are finding it hard to function as they once did and there is simply less of a sense of community everywhere than there once was.

No wonder that our churches are struggling. Churches and parishes are communities that are not based upon private intimacy , that is, they are not made up of people who choose to relate to each other on the basis of being like-minded. Rather churches and parishes are made up of people who are called together despite their differences to meet around Christ and a set of values that moulds them into a community beyond private preference. But that is not easily understood in a culture that believes meaningful community can only be formed on the basis of private choice and a personal need for intimacy. Today we don't just bowl alone, we also do spirituality alone.

People today tend to treat their churches in the same way as they treat their families, namely, they want them to be there for them, for rites of passage, for special occasions, and for the security of knowing they can be turned to if needed, but they don't want them to interfere much in their actual lives and they want to participate in them on their own terms. People no longer feel they need the Church. They admit their need for God and for spirituality, but not their need for the Church. Hence we have the popular notion that says: I want spirituality but not the Church.

Finally, there is too, the notion that the Church as an institution is too flawed, too fraught with compromise, too narrow, too judgemental, and too hypocritical to be credible, to be the institution that mediates salvation. Jesus is pure, but the Church is flawed, goes the logic. Hence, a lot of people choose to relate to the Church very selectively and very sporadically (rare, infrequent, or irregular manner).

Carlo Carretto is a Italian spiritual writer, who loved the Church deeply but was honest enough to admit its faults. Late in his life, he wrote this ode to the Church: 

“How much I must criticise you, my Church, and yet how much I love you! You have made me suffer more than anyone and yet I owe more to you than to anyone. I should like to see you destroyed and yet I need your presence. You have given me much scandal and yet you alone have made me understand holiness. Never in this world have I seen anything more compromised, more false, yet never have I touched anything more pure, more generous or more beautiful. Countless times I have felt like slamming the door of my soul in your face---and yet, every night, I have prayed that I might die in your sure arms! No, I cannot be free of you, for I am one with you, even if not completely you. Then too---where would I go? To build another church? But I could not build one without the same defects, for they are my defects. And again, if I were to build another church, it would be my church, not Christ's church. No, I am old enough, I know better."

That's an insight that can help all of us, both those of us who are going to church and those of us who aren't.

By Father Ronald Rolheiser and me for some editing lol :D

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christian Life is a Backbreaker....

It's easy to question the logic that a loving father who died for us would permit persecution to bestow among his most committed children. This is what scares people away from Christ nowadays. Well folks there is one way and one way only to stop our fears... Preach the gospel and make the world full of believers...

You might doubt and question God's love unto you as I did before. Yet it is now that I've seen the answers in front of my eyes. To the real world it is an outright miracle for Christianity to stand ground today despite being the most prosecuted religion in the world. From the early days even the days of the bible men and women of God have been killed and persecuted for their faith. Jesus Christ was flogged and crucified, Stephen was stoned and Apostle Paul was crucified upside down. And the list goes on...

One time a guest speaker asks us to mean what we sing. We sing of laying our life on the altar, bowing our knees at the cross, giving up our life for Jesus... Which sum up to one conclusion. We sing of laying our lives for Jesus yet we back up when things get a little bit unpleasant. Well brothers and sisters, isn't that call breaking a promise or covenant? Isn't that the sin known as lying. That means being a Christian who fears persecution so badly is a sinful act.

Jesus was also persecuted so badly for us. Aren't we supposed to be "imitators of God" and be persecuted to the bones ourselves.

Jesus also wants to see and uphold the righteous. Persecution is the test to determine who are the real believers who would sacrifice everything they've ever known for Jesus? It's easy to sing praise when everything is fine and dandy. When the going gets tough and the man still finds victory in Jesus, that's a righteous man.

For the early church, the act of martyrdom is an honor. Today, we flee and shriek at the sight of death regardless of the reason. Anyone who expects global salvation to be achieved without any form of martyrdom sacrifices is A FOOL. How can you fry an omelet without breaking the eggs first? How can you get the meat if you don't kill the lamb. Jesus was that lamb and his meat was many. His meat was life, hope and salvation. How can we stand here and have no desire of any part of it?

Like insects heading to the light to engage in mating, we head for Jesus. If bugs can see their friends being gobbled by predators and keep their destination straight just to mate, why can't we shrug off persecution for the sake of global salvation, unity between ourselves and God, to show our gratitude to Jesus, to do what Jesus wants?


Hey guys!
Been here for a while now for holidays...and i was thinking what should i do? Well, why not do a T-Shirt for HG? So yea, why not? So....... I compile the design based on two things...

First, the HIS GENERATION logo/wording created by Abang Teo,

and the 'Foundation of what His Generation is' >>> He intends +the 6S with some cool fonts...

So based on those two, you will have...

Yes, it is simple...but why fancy... It's simple, shows what HG is... and cool :)
I am sending the design for printing tomorrow... but I will only print a few for samples...we will take orders later on or we will print then sell them... but we will see how it goes...

Anyway, please comment on it.... Thanks...


21st December, HIS GENERATION paid a visit to the Special Home where special kids are sent there to live and to be cared for... We basically went there for a caroling which we performed for the kids as well as the staff in the house...
The weather was great and the team arrived around 12.30pm... We were welcomed by the staff and got a really good lunch meal over there>>>> Nasi Beriani!!!! Thanks for the LUNCH!!!! After eating, it was Caroling time! It was a nice experience all together and it was to some, it was their first time visiting homes such as this who are kindly enough to take care of this special children...
We really want to thank those who have been involved in taking care of these kids as without them, who else will... It is the staffs at the home that took their effort and time to take care of this kids with love and kindness...

We surely had fun there...We certainly would hope that HIS GENERATION will be more active in visiting homes like these as I think it is our duty to land a hand for those who are in needs...

Until next time...

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hey Guys! Good News...I just got the green light from Ps. Koshy!!!!
Everyone is invited!!!! Here are the details...

Venue: AJPC Sanctuary
Time: 9pm-12.30pm
Activities: Fun & Games - Worship - Sharing + Message
BRING ALONG YOUR FRIENDS!!!! Remember everyone is invited!!!!
It's time to reach out people! So bring your non-christian friends along!!!!

If there is any questions about the event's details that you need to know, please post it on the comment box, we will answer them asap :)

Thanks and See You Guys There!!!!!

ps: Worship members, take a look at the annoucement, there I will post the worship team for the service...

HiS G3n3RaTiOn - 18Th DeCeMbEr 2009

Hey all...

It feels so weird writing on this blog as i haven't been blogging for a long time... But anyway, no harm doing what i used to do for HG right! Anyway before i continue, let us compare the different between the number of blog post in 2009 and 2008...In 08, from March to December the blog crew manage to post updates consistently which led to a total of 118 post... This year 09, from January till this very day, only 65 updates were posted... Does this mean anything? Yes, please same advice to the crew...update more! Its a way to serve him and a way for people like me and the rest of the HG families who are studying away from KT to know what you guys are up to and what has God bless you guys with...So yea ;) i hope to see better :)

Ok back to the topic...Friday! And guess what, its the Friday after ESP...Everyone is excited, so fired up, so filled with the passion for God... This week's service, I myself got the opportunity to serve the lord on the guitar, alongside with Witton, Witter, Sharon and Ee June... And the songs are One Way, Tell the World, Love Came Down and with 2 new songs which most learned in ESPlosion Camp, All for Love and Stronger... Thank you worship team and thank you God for blessing us with your wonders...

After worship, we had sharing time! I will basically compile and summarize what was shared during the session... Most shared about their experience in the camp, about how the were touched by the Lord, about their learning experience and their personal encounter with God... Some shared how God changed their life in the camp, how God blessed them and move them towards the right direction...about how prayer can make such a huge different, about healing that they have experience with the Lord, about their burden being lifted up by love of God, about God telling them that even when they are alone, HE is there to comfort...
Truly i was touched! I was touched by how God had work his wonders and miracles for us... Wei Lim who very very very rarely breath with both of his nostril, had a perfect nose after being prayed during the camp, Chiou Huey confessed her sins that was burdening her for so long and felt the warmth and love of God touching her, Wendy accepted the Lord during the camp and our brother Witton was filled with God's living water! How amazing! For myself, I had gone through a tough year... A year where it was up and down...and mostly downs...a year that i felt dry...but he restored me... These testimonies really are an encouragement to all of us, for us to acknowledge that there is a God who loves us, a God who is so merciful, a God who has accepted us for who we are! That is the God that me and you serve!

We closed with prayer and some worship... and at that time also, God spoke to me... He said "I am here behind you...ready to catch you whenever you fall... ready to hold your hand... ready to hold you close to him!" God's hand is always there, reaching out to you even before you accepted him, the move that everyone need to to grab hold of his hand, his love, his presence, his mercy, his kingdom...
It was a great day! We really had a great time worshipping, sharing and praying! Thank God for the wonderful day! We end our service by cleaning up the sanctuary...

Before ending, here are some important announcement! Next week, there wont be any HIS GENERATION! because its CHRISTMAS!!!! Not that we don't wanna have it during just most of us are out of town...and we also would like to encourage you to spend time with your family! The following week, which is on the 1st of January...YEA! New Year Day!!! There wont be worship and sermons as HIS GENERATION will be out sailing at the Ri-Yaz resort in Pulau Duyung...Thanks to Lucas and Micah's parents, all of us can attend it for FREE!!!! How great is that! Now, for those who are not here last Friday but still interested to go, please RSVP with Sharon asap at 0129466017... Please give her your full name as well as your IC number... Lastly...there might be a NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN this 31st night at AJPC... I am still planning and i need to seek Pastor's permission first (will try to do that first thing tomorrow^^) If everything goes well...I will update the details ASAP...

I think that's all! I wish you all the best and have a great week as well as have a BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!!!! GOD BLESS!!!!

ps: for those who have pictures on last week HG service please kindly upload it or you can send it to me via email...thanks...